Monday, December 10, 2012

Books Read this Semester

       Books read this semester (least to most challenging):
Girls On Film by Zoey Dean
Grief Girl by Erin Vincent
Three Little Words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter
Burned by Ellen Hopkins
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Nation by Terry Pratchett
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

          I realized that this semester is the least amount of books I have read in a semester since I was in about first or second grade which is crazy. I really liked the book Burned though. It has a lot of pages and I read it really fast. If I keep reading books that are similar to that, then I may be able to read more. I only read four as this school year was going on that was free choice which I find totally bogus. When did I start reading so little?
          Since I find my amount of books read this semester so tragic, I'll set a goal to read at least six or seven books by the end of this year from the library. I hope to read each one in at most a two-week time period because on the other books it seems that I took about 2-3 weeks on average to read on book. 

Reading Times: 155 minutes on Lord of the Flies from the pages that were assigned for last week
Literary Analysis: 30 minutes
Total:175 minutes

Reading Focus Tracker: Loyalty

           Three significant moments pertaining to loyalty is when Jack blows the conch in chapter 8 and page 125, Jack decides to go off alone by himself in chapter eight and page 127, and when people first sneak off to go to Jack's tribe in chapter eight and page 131. All of these contain Jack in a rivalry with Ralph because Jack wants to take away the power from Jack.
      In the first one, Jack was loyal to Ralph’s leadership. Ralph is the only one who is suppose to blow the conch since he is the chief/leader. Now, Jack has the need to blow the conch and have his own assembly while Ralph is standing right in front of him! Jack wants this:


 For the second one, Jack is leaving the area where Ralph rules because he is sick of him. The loyalty between them is gone. Jack wants to lead his own pack. So he asks everyone who would like to come along with him. No one first.... For the third one, people start sneaking off to go to Jack's area of the island so they can hunt with him and be apart of his tribe. Jack even eventually has a feast/party/celebration which attracts most of the people of the island to go to his side of the island.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reading Times

Biology Concepts and Connections, sixth edition by Campell, Reece, Taylor, Simon, Dickey:  pages 88-101, 1 hour
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley : 30 minutes
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 Unit 6: 15 minutes

Sunday, November 25, 2012


    Since midterms are coming up, here are some of the things that are probably going to happen. I'm probably going to forget the short stories. I don't mean what they are about, but I mean I'm probably going to forget the point of view and stuff like that. I'm also probably going to forget some of the names of the characters, but I will remember what each one did.
     Also, in class I will just ask if she is going to put wordly wise words on the tops in it's on section. Another thing.. This is the first time I've ever had summer reading on an exam. I usually forget about those books a few weeks after school starts. I hope they don't have many questions about that on the exam.

Reading Times: Lord of the Flies Chapter1-6 ,3 hours
Total: 3 hours

Friday, November 23, 2012

Reading Track: Loyalty

       In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, they have many places where people are loyal to each other, but then some of the bonds change slightly. I will be telling you the places of loyalty only up to chapter 5 though, because that is how far I have read as of now. Throughout the chapters, all the boys had to be loyal to the conch and who was holding it. That wasn't always true though because many boys talked out of turn and interrupted people(mostly Piggy) while they were holding the conch. The choir is loyal to Jack because he's been the head of that when they were at school so the loyalty just carried to the island.
        In chapter two, Jack and Ralph showed loyalty with "that strange light of invisible friendship" when they were helping each other with carrying something. They were laughing together and everything. They loyalty soon starts to diminish between the two of them though. Ralph's loyalty moves towards Piggy because Piggy helps give him ideas and encourages him while Jack is a downer and mostly cares about himself. In chapter five, Ralph starts talking about how everyone isn't loyal to following the rules. Everyone also wasn't committed to building all three shelters together, and Jack along with the hunters weren't loyal to keeping the fire burning because they let it go out when they needed it the most.

Monday, November 12, 2012


        My third hour English clash did this little activity in preparation to reading Lord of the Flies. The activity was to act like we had just gotten into a plane crash, and each person in our class had to have a first grader with us. The class was just completely chaotic and in disarray. People formed alliances with each other and separated from the bigger group, and the main group just kept getting smaller and smaller. No one would listen to what one another had to say because we kept trying to talk over each other. We tried to choose leaders, but no one would vote on who they wanted to be the leader. There was like no harmony whatsoever. I think it was this way because many of the people in my class have leadership qualities and would want to lead the pack instead of following someone else.
        If this situation really occurred, I think that people would panic and act even more chaotic. I would especially be wondering where the adults were because I wouldn't want to be alone with all those people without an older authority because that's who everyone would most likely listen to. Another reason I would want the adults to be there is because I would be scared because no one would know what to do. Well, they may know what to do, but they would never actually have the opportunity to say anything because the other people would try to talk over them because they think they have a better idea. My class probably would die off faster than any of the other classes because the other classes were controlled, calm, and knew what to do.
Reading Times: Lord of the Flies- 60 minutes, pages 1-32
"Ward's: AP Biology and Diffusion Lab Activity"- 30 minutes, 10 pages
Biology Concepts and Connections, Sixth Edition - 40 minutes
Wordly Wise 3000, Book Nine- 25 minutes

Total: 155 minutes

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reading Response

     Right now I am reading North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley. This book takes like forever to read, but it's not even that long. I guess it's just the amount of words on one page, I don't know. The book is pretty cool though. I like how Terra, the main character, makes these art collages and works at this art gallery just where they put their work on display. She is kind of insecure about her work because she does care what other people think about her. One reason is because that she has a large, pomegranate colored birthmark on her cheek. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what you look like, but the character and personality that is within. She is also insecure about her cheek because even her dad talks about her!
    I can't stand Terra's dad. He's just so pessimistic about everything and talks about every detail about a person he doesn't like. He even talks about his own wife because of her weight! He puts a damper on his family's parade which I find insane! The entire family doesn't like him that much, and Terra's mom is scared to divorce him. He doesn't even hit them, he just uses his words, and that just seems like a blow in the throat.  Another thing is that he draws or makes maps, and he doesn't even include China in any of them, and that is just rude and inconsiderate. Actually, he does consider China, but he just throws it away like it is some kind of trash.
    The book is well written, and I guess the point is for me not to like Terra's dad, but he just gets on my nerves. I like how all the children in the book support each other through those times and help support their mom. The main point of the book isn't even about the dad though. It's about how Terra meets this guy that really different, and he changes the way she thinks about things in a positive way.

Reading Times for this book: Oct 29-15 min, Oct 30-15 min, Oct 31-15 min., November 1-15 min, November 3-50 min, November 4- 40 min., 101-165 pages
Total: 150 min., 64 pages

Free Post

      School cheer is finally over. It was pretty fun for my first year doing it. I participated in competitive cheer before that, though. Our team really bonded after a few weeks of some sort of drama which I wasn't involved in. We talked about the things that were going on, and they put their burdens and arguments aside and just worried about the task that we were suppose to be doing. Cheering.
      The routines we did for pep rallies really got the crowd pumped up because it was like the best cheering our school had ever done in around 25 years. The stunts went up well because of the cooperation and understanding we had with our team. Whatever was the best of strengths for each person, we put them to use, so many of the people were satisfied. And guess what was accomplished? Cheering.
     The football games were also fun, especially the first one win our coach wasn't there. We did our thing without guidance so that shows our entire team's responsibility. The football team only lost two games which is amazing. And hey, maybe it was because of what we were doing. Cheering.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Short Stories

                So in my English class, we read about eight short stories together as a group and discussed them as a class. In addition, I had to read three short stories on my own. I read "The Sniper" by Liam O'Flaherty, "The Catbird Seat" by James Thurber, and "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty. I liked "A Worn Path" the most, but I'm going to do my thesis on "The Catbird Seat" because they have a strong man vs man conflict.
                The man vs man conflict in this story is important because that's basically the foundation of the story. The man doesn't like the woman, and he plots a plan so she can get fired from the company. She tells her boss, and he doesn't believe her so she gets removed from the company because people think she's psycho. I don't know what my actual thesis statement is going to be yet, but it's definitely going to have something to do with that.

Reading Times: "The Catbird Seat" 10/23/12- 35 minutes, "A Worn Path" 10/25/12- 35 minutes, North of Beautiful 10/26/12- 90 minutes
Total: 160 minutes

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reading Times

North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley: 135 minutes
The Sniper: 25 Minutes

Total: 160 minutes

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Literary Elements

      In "Dry September" by William Faulkner, characterization seems like a strong literacy element because through each character you see how a lot of people were during those times, specifically 1931 like it says at the end of the story. There's also a social aspect to it  because they acted the way they acted because they believed in the hierarchies that probably was kind of like this:
      Rich white man
      Middle class white man
      Poor white man
      Rich black man
      Middle class black man
      Poor black man
     Anyway, this type of scale was what they based everything off of. Well, they brought the white women before the black men, but after the white men because back then, the white men didn't think the women could make their own decisions or have their own opinion which was complete discrimination. In this story, a black man was accused of doing something to a white woman whether it was raping her or just give her a look, but it doesn't specifically say it, but you can infer. One white man stood up for the black man because he knew the guy was good and didn't think he would do anything to harm anyone, so, of course, the other white men get on his case about it. This shows that, socially, a few of the white men actually cared for the blacks, but most didn't. In this, they characterized each person by what they had to say on the fact of the matter, and how they felt about certain things.

    Reading Times:
"Waltz of the Fat Man": 25 minutes, "Harrison Bergeron": 25 minutes, "And of Clay we are Created": 35 minutes, "Dry September": 35 minutes, North of Beautiful: 50 minutes

    Total: 170 minutes

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Participation in Class this Quarter

       This year in English class, I have participated in the activities and things we're doing. I'm always prepared and have all the materials we need, except once I just finished my free reading book at home the night before, and I had class first thing that morning so I had to go to the library to get one. I've never asked to go the the bathroom, locker, or to get water during class, and I don't plan on it unless it's an emergency. I check my email every other day so I don't have any problems with that. I am guilty of packing up a little early, but I only pack up one or two minutes before the bell is going to ring and no earlier. I always have a positive attitude, and I've never been pessimistic during the class.
       Whenever there is a lecture in class, I always pay attention and take notes. I'm on my A game in those situations because I need to make sure I have all the things I need in order to study for certain things or do well in a certain assignment. I don't really ask questions about the things Dr. D has taught, but when my other peers ask questions I listen to what they ask and her answer to the question. I stay on task, and I really don't talk much in English.
        The only weak area I had in English class was the papers I turned in. That's where I mostly scored the lowest, but I don't know why yet because I don't think I have received my score for the finished products of my papers to see where I did wrong or need the most improvement.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reading Times

 Short Stories: 10/2- 25 min., 10/3- 20 min., 10/4- 20 min.
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley: 10/5- 87 min.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Plot Structure Reading Response

     I started and finished the book Burned this week. It's by Ellen Hopkins. The font is in the style of a poem, so I guess it's a big poem, and it tells this story. I think it's the second book or the sequel to the book Crank which I read in the seventh grade or something. The main character in this book is Pattyn. She is Mormon. She has nine sisters, a dad, and a mom. The setting is in Nevada.
     I think the type of conflict for this book could be man vs man, man vs society, and man vs self. Pattyn started feeling temptations for boys when she was 16, and she didn't think she should because of her religion. She tried to resist, but she couldn't. Pattyn then dated a non-Mormon boy even though she knew it was a sin. Her father made Pattyn move with her aunt a few hours away during the summer because of this. Then Pattyn met another nice, non-Mormon boy named Ethan.
     I think the climax is when Pattyn and Ethan started to date. Pattyn's aunt approved. Pattyn new her father and church would never allow it, but she did it anyway. Ethan gave her a promise ring because they had gained love and trust. Pattyn then moved back home because summer was over, and her father would think that Pattyn would be back in her right mind. The resolution was when Pattyn wanted to marry Ethan so he came  to pick her up in his car, but they had gotten in a car accident and only Pattyn made it. Ethan was dead, and she felt dead to the world.
    I think the theme of this story could be to resist your temptations because something good can come out of it for yourself, but in the very end the last result could be terribly brutal if you don't watch out.

    9/25-30 min., 9/27- 20 min., 9/29- 3 1/2 hrs., pages 1-532
    Total: 260 min., 532 pages.


I am a Writer Who

            I am a writer who knows what she wants to write about, but may not be able to interpret it on paper that well. I can see the details clearly in my mind, although it may appear to be a bit foggy when others read it. When things don't require concrete details about a background, place, or thing I can write pretty well. Most of the time, we always have to write about that type of stuff in school.
           I am a writer who loves to use voice because it gives the things I write a little spunk. My voice is what separates my writing from other people's writing. Generally, I give good voice unless the topic or prompt I'm writing about is absolutely boring. I also am a writer who loves to get feedback from my writing, but I hate it when someone criticizes the things I write about because that is just uncalled for.
          I don't like to write poems because they seem hard to me. I'm not good with rhyming words, even though it doesn't have to rhyme all the time.
          I am just this writer who writes, thinks, and listens. I have my strengths, and I have my weaknesses. No other writer can be exactly like me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Totally Random Post

        So many people change. It seems like yesterday when we were all sweet and nice and carefree. Now somehow, everything just twisted and rearranged itself. I can't even call everybody my friend even when I do want to because I like to get along with everyone. Some people's demeanor is just so fake and artificial. I just can't deal with some of these situations that come upon me and others. Then, when your parents find out, they just want to blame you for the cause of it! It's unreal.
       Also, I see when some people are near each other they are nice to each other and appear to be jolly good and act as if they are friends. But when out-of-sight they talk about each other behind each other's backs. I find that backstabbing. Yes, people change. In the situation I'm talking about, it's a negative change.
      Furthermore, I detest when people come and talk to you just when they want something or want to know the latest updates about your life to go and tell other people. I find that sickening. Yet, people do it. You start to question if certain people hang around you just to bring you down. When you know that that one person has talked about you and your friends to all of the "clique" that your in except yourself, then you will eventually find out who your real friends are. Well, do you know who your real friends are? I know who mine are.

Final Reading Response To Three Little Words

         I have finished reading Three Little Words: A Memoir by Ashley Rhodes-Courter. A lot of things go well for Ashley in the end. I also have found out what the three little words meant that she is referring to in her title. She was referring to when she said, "I guess so." when she agreed to stay with her new adoptive family, and her whole life turned around and became great for her. I think she should have been a little more appreciative towards the family when they adopted her, and she should have given a fonder response when the court asked her if she wanted to stay with them.
       Ashley gets in contact with her biological family, and that's pretty good for her since they got along well and stuff. Also, she goes on to college with a full-time scholarship. She entered contest, and many papers she wrote about her life in the system were published, and even this book derived from one of the papers. I think Ashley is really blessed that she got those adoptive parents that stuck with her to the end throughout all the difficulties Ashley  gave them in the beginning.
       This book was good, and this is the first book I've read about foster care, court, and adoptive situations.

         P.S.- I reread about 70 pages so I could have read for 2 1/2 hours.
         9/18- 33 min., 9/19- 60 min., 9/22- 45 min., 9/23- 20 min., pages- 258- 316 + 70

          Total: 158 minutes, 128 pages

Monday, September 17, 2012

Second Reading Response to Three Little Words

       I'm still reading Three Little Words: A Memoir. Ashley, the main character, had to move to a children's home with a whole bunch of different kids. She liked it there because they could get as much food as they wanted, she won things, she had friends, and they got mostly everything they wanted for Christmas. That's good that she found a placed that she liked, but I think that whenever she adopted, she would expect too much from the parents that adopt her.
        Later on, Ashley get adopted, and things are different. I would have been happy if this happened to me but Ashley wasn't excited when she first learned that her new family was adopting her. She even gets to invite friends over to a friend's house after she wasn't able to at the children's home. I would have been one happy, little child if these new, but different things happened to me.

      9/13-20 mins., 9/15-60 minutes, 9/16- 40 minutes, 9/17- 30 minutes, pp. 138- 258
      Total: 150 minutes, 120 pages

Literacy Narrative Ideas

       For English, we have to write a literacy narrative about how reading and writing has changed our opinions on things or we could just have a neutral feeling or opinion about what reading and writing has done for us. I think I will mainly focus on how I learned how to write my name when I was in Pre-K. That's the only thing I can really remember that may have changed me in some way pertaining to reading and writing.
       I remember that I was in Pre-K at a school that I think my cousin owned. I was in Mrs.or Ms. (I can't remember if she was married or not) Butler's class. We had practiced over and over again writing out letters on the paper with large, long lines, and we had to trace over the dotted alphabet. I think this was important to me because if I didn't know how to write or spell my name, I wouldn't have a way to identify myself on paper.

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Reading Response to Three Little Words: A Memoir

       Hello all. I have been reading this pretty good book that I got from the school library. It's in good condition and it looks like the school library just got the book. Anyway, the book is called Three Little Words: A Memoir, and the author is Ashley Rhodes-Courter. Yes, she is the main character in the book and the author. It's about how she ventures through many different foster cares, switches homes, loses trust, and goes through many different case workers because her father wasn't in her life and her mother was locked up in jail for multiple different in-fractions.
      This book is cool to me so far because with this type of book I can learn something of great value because of the hard times Ashley had went through. I can learn to value my possessions better and appreciate what I own because within an instant, the items could be stripped from my life. I really think this book could send a message to many people, even if you aren't or weren't a foster or adoptive child. I can say that it's essential to be grateful for what you possess and appreciate the delicacies of life.

  9/8/12- 70 min., 9/9/10- 60 min., 9/10/12- 25 min., pages 1-138
  Total: 155 minutes, 138 pages

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Response to Comments

     Here's a post especially for the people who have commented and have been commenting helpful things on my blog. Although I hadn't changed anything in particular on any one of my blogs, I still take you all's comments into consideration and try to carry the critics onto the next of my posts. In addition, I'm really happy that some of y'all like my posts and think they are good. I really appreciate all comments!
     For the kind sir named Joe, there weren't any types of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships that you described in my blog titled "Final Response To Grief Girl" , but there were just family relationships like what they have in any other household, so some males might be able to enjoy this book because if they had ever experience anything that Erin in Grief Girl had experienced they might be able to read it. Also, to Dr. D, I'll be sure to try and use stronger verbs for my blog posts in the future which you mentioned in my blog post titled "Scenery of a Party!". Thanks for the thoughtful criticism and compliments from everyone who comments!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Scenery of a Party!

       I just realized it's September, and it's Labor Day! Happy Labor day guys! It's also my second post of the month, and because I didn't acknowledge it in my other post, I am now! I am now about to describe a moment I had yesterday which was September 2, 2012. I'm wearing white shorts, a strapless navy blue top with a white flower pattern all over, and a navy blue tank top underneath that.
       I walk into a large room. It has 4 white walls. On the left, there's a glass window. Through the window I can see the five forest green shrubbery bushes. The sky is sky blue with a few fluffy clouds as far as I can see. Towards the back wall, I see white tables which have the metal legs with black table clothes. On the tables I see silver balloons in the shape of a one and three with the red and black strings attached. Of course they have the black chairs on the beige tile floor underneath the tables.
      Near the right wall, I see tables with food galore! There's red punch in clear, glass jugs, purple and green grapes with jack cheese in the middle of the the platter, chips and salsa, chocolate and vanilla cupcakes arranged into the shape of the numbers one and three, a chocolate cake with with the words happy birthday written across in red icing, meatballs in a tangy sauce, fried chicken, and much more.
     On the wall I'm closest to, there's a man blasting hip-hop,rap, and dance music. In the middle of the floor I see people dancing in their on styles clad in colorful clothes. Some people doing the fist pump, stanky leg, jerk, and many other modern day dances. That was my scenery this past weekend at a birthday party for someone turning thirteen.

Final Reading Response To Grief Girl

       So I finished the rest of Grief Girl: My True Story by Erin Vincent! In the end, Erin was more cheerful and understood things better after she graduated high school! I'm happy for her. I enjoyed the book very much so. She even got her dream job to be a journalist right after she graduated. If I got my dream job right after I graduated, I would be ecstatic because it would seem to me like a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. The thing that I was mad about in the end though was that Tracy left to a city ten whole hours away from Erin with Trent right by her side! They just left a month after telling Erin, and it was around that time when she first became the journalist that she wanted to be.
       Vincent did a good job telling her story. She even remembered the tiny details and the way she felt from when she was fourteen to whatever age she was when she first started writing the story! She wrote it in a way that most girls would want to read it, but maybe both genders could read it if they had ever experienced that situation. I have to say the book was good! But on to the next when I hit the school library!

      8/27-10 min., 8/30-2 hrs. & 10 mins., 8/31-23 mins., pp.180-306
      Total- 163 mins., 126 pages


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reading Response

      At this moment, I'm reading the book Grief Girl: My True Story by Erin Vincent. I'm just about half way through it, but it's obviously a true story about herself when she was fourteen. Her parents died in an accident that left her bruised. I have never experienced or struggled with the sorrowful, dreadful feelings that she said she dealt with when the event occurred and so far eight months after the incident occurred, even when my great-grandmother died. I mean, I was melancholy, but not in any sense where I wanted to go to an institute for girls with mental issues, depression, or stuff like that like she did.
      Erin lived with her sister named Tracy who was eighteen and her brother named Trent who was three when the parents died. Erin had to help work to make ends meat along with Tracy so they could keep the house with all the perks such as electricity and running water. She worked in a cookie place at the mall part-time when she had school and full-time when she was on school breaks. I can't imagine any one hiring me at the age of fourteen because I think it goes against child labor laws or something or maybe it's just a certain amount of hours where it would be unlawful. Furthermore, I wouldn't know if I would be capable of keeping the job because I don't have a car or anything so I wouldn't have anyone to take me meaning that I wouldn't be at the job on-time and I couldn't make all the days I was supposed to work.
       At school though, the teachers and faculty held it easy on Erin. She didn't even wear the school uniform and  she went and left school as she pleased. I would love this type of situation, but I don't think I would take advantage of it because I think I would go along with the school rules and try to act normal. Or maybe I would, haha, I don't know, but I don't think my school would allow it anyway.
       I can't wait to see what else Erin goes through. Then I'll share my opinions on the fact of the matter. I'll be back soon to share the rest of my opinions on Grief Girl: My True Story. I have enjoyed it thus far.

    8/20-10 min., 8/25-120 min., 8/26-45 min.
    Total: 175 minutes, pp.1-180

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In Defense of School: A Student's Manifesto

      Through the exhilarating years of high school, students don't just experience the thrill of parties, extra-curricular, and sport's games, but also the back-burning, hoard of homework. Not only high school students, but basically all the people who have to go from first grade through college. Essays, projects, and assignments that you have to venture through at home can keep you up all night and make you feel as if your eyes are about to roll in the back of your head just because you're that sleepy. It's like we are enduring a period of insomnia just so we can obtain the points we need to achieve the grade we want to have. This rarely happens in the first quarter of the school year, but for the rest of the year, a lot of student feel like they are going through some agonizing event. Even when I have to study for test, sometimes, I wonder if I was listening to what the teacher was saying whenever we discussed the topic because that's how I feel when a science test comes along. I guess that's just how it's going to be for the rest of my years though.
      In defense of school, they just want us to learn. I don't think they mean any harm because they just want us to get our education in the long run. I mean, they are just trying to prepare us for our career. I especially need to start getting better in those science tests, considering I'm anticipating to become a pediatrician. Plus, the years ahead are just going to get harder and harder, and I don't think the teachers are going to care how much work or preparation we need to have for other classes, or how long and what things we need to do at practices, or even chores and responsibilities we have to take care of at home because life is tough, and we just need to deal with it. They want us to balance our time and figure out what days we need to do this and that on because we shouldn't procrastinate and expect something good out of it. We have to obtain some type of time management. Then, maybe life will be better and things won't be as hard. But, that's just coming from a student.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Girls On Film Response

      So, I read Girls On Film by Zoey Dean. It's an A-list novel. It's a chick-lit which are the types of books I prefer. I like it personally, because I liked reading it, and I was interested in the things Dean wrote because it had me want to keep reading more at the turn of each page just because it's a chick-lit, and I'm really into those sort of books. It is about how "frienemies" had to do a school assignment together, and they chose to do a film that they had written themselves. They also had a relationship sort of thing in the plot, too, which I thought was cool.
   Girls On Film is the type of book where they have two people in a relationship or "almost relationship" and someone tries to mess it up or ruin it. Anyway, I thought it was cute how Ben, the boy in the relationship, did all that stuff for Anna, the girl in the relationship, so she wouldn't be mad at him anymore. In the end though, I do think it was the right thing to do to stay with Ben because he had put so much effort forth to get back with her, and she ignored what the enemies had to say. Also, it's good that after the climax of the book, Anna became less stubborn because she really did need to let loose a little.
     Overall, I just liked the book because it was filled with drama and romance, and the characters in it learned things in the predicament they were in. The book was good.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Free Post

         Hi. I'm Porscha, and I'm new to the blogging experience. If any of y'all could tell me how to change my setup ,templates, and fonts on here, that would be quite dandy. I really want to show my personality and stuff on here. That's one of the reasons I made this blog. Haha, actually I had to make this for a school assignment, but in the end most of the things I put on here would probably be about literature, books, and stuff like that. Within each post, though, they will have some zesty fever in it because that's just my personality.
       Anyway, I'm a fun person to be around. I'm really silly, but I'm serious when a serious thing comes upon me. I like to talk, but sometimes I'm reserved and like to keep to myself, but that just happens every now and then. I like instagramming, hanging with friends, going to football games, and that sort of thing. I do sports like cheer, track, dance, and maybe basketball this year. But, I guess I'll see y'all around. Adios!