Monday, November 12, 2012


        My third hour English clash did this little activity in preparation to reading Lord of the Flies. The activity was to act like we had just gotten into a plane crash, and each person in our class had to have a first grader with us. The class was just completely chaotic and in disarray. People formed alliances with each other and separated from the bigger group, and the main group just kept getting smaller and smaller. No one would listen to what one another had to say because we kept trying to talk over each other. We tried to choose leaders, but no one would vote on who they wanted to be the leader. There was like no harmony whatsoever. I think it was this way because many of the people in my class have leadership qualities and would want to lead the pack instead of following someone else.
        If this situation really occurred, I think that people would panic and act even more chaotic. I would especially be wondering where the adults were because I wouldn't want to be alone with all those people without an older authority because that's who everyone would most likely listen to. Another reason I would want the adults to be there is because I would be scared because no one would know what to do. Well, they may know what to do, but they would never actually have the opportunity to say anything because the other people would try to talk over them because they think they have a better idea. My class probably would die off faster than any of the other classes because the other classes were controlled, calm, and knew what to do.
Reading Times: Lord of the Flies- 60 minutes, pages 1-32
"Ward's: AP Biology and Diffusion Lab Activity"- 30 minutes, 10 pages
Biology Concepts and Connections, Sixth Edition - 40 minutes
Wordly Wise 3000, Book Nine- 25 minutes

Total: 155 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Porscha- I defanitley agree that the reason our class was in such chaos was because we all have such good leadership qualities. I don't think that's a bad thing though, maybe just for that specific activity we did in class.
