Portfolio: Cover Letter

Dear Classmates,
            Through this cover letter, I will tell you about my previous writings I have done this year for Dr. deGravelles English class. Not only the major papers, but also blogs I have done. Also, pieces of writings I liked or didn’t like. In the first place, I chose to revise my literary analysis essay titled “The Inscrutable Man” on two traits of good writing. In the second place, for the writing remix, I chose to write a poem based on two blog posts that were pretty similar. Lastly, I have identified two pieces of writing that I liked writing and two pieces of writing that I didn’t like writing.
By looking at my literary analysis, I felt like it needed the most work. The traits of good writing that I decided to change up the most were organization and ideas. I decided to change these things because I felt that I was sort of just telling the story. I have revised what order my paper goes in so it won’t seem as if I was telling the plot from beginning and end in chronological order. I needed to add more of my ideas amalgamated in to each paragraph because there just wasn’t that much explanation of why I put it there or why it was important. For my transformation of the writing remix, I decided to do a poem based on two blog posts. One was called “Friends” and the other one was called “Totally random post”. Although these were shorter posts, putting them together would be better because they were pretty similar but had some different ideas. My “hits” of writing were the “Babamukuru” post that I wrote when we were reading Nervous Conditions. I liked this one because I felt I portrayed his character well, and I had a sense of some of the things he had to say. “Reading Response” was the title of another post that was about a book I read for outside reading called Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. I liked this one because of the way I wrote to each main character of the book which I thought was a useful way to respond to the book.  My “misses” were the literacy narrative because I didn’t like it at all and the “Response to Comments” blog post which I felt that nobody even read.
            I still feel like I write the same as when I started the ninth grade, but maybe that is not true. In my opinion I still write the same though. When I write, I know what I want to write about, but it isn’t always conveyed on paper well. I just don’t know how to express myself on paper well about how I feel about a certain situation. The only trait of good writing that I think I do well on is voice because to me it always sounds like they have a piece of me in the work, but the ideas are the things that aren’t conveyed well enough. I think I could put more of my ideas into a piece of writing if I truly cared or genuinely knew the topic I was writing about which I usually don’t.    
               I am a writer who loves to use voice because it gives the things I write a little spunk. My voice is what separates my writing from other people's writing. Generally, I give good voice unless the topic or prompt I'm writing about is absolutely boring. I need to work on the ideas. I could improve this by adding more details because it’s generally hard for me to do so. I could also improve this by saying more how I think or feel on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Porscha, good job on your portfolio! Your cover letter could use some more development and expansion, and I'm sure you learned more than you think you did! Never doubt yourself! Also, your remix is creative and exciting, and the format really enhances the message you're trying to get across. Just make sure you type it/put it in the computer right so it's not hard to read!
