Sunday, September 23, 2012

Totally Random Post

        So many people change. It seems like yesterday when we were all sweet and nice and carefree. Now somehow, everything just twisted and rearranged itself. I can't even call everybody my friend even when I do want to because I like to get along with everyone. Some people's demeanor is just so fake and artificial. I just can't deal with some of these situations that come upon me and others. Then, when your parents find out, they just want to blame you for the cause of it! It's unreal.
       Also, I see when some people are near each other they are nice to each other and appear to be jolly good and act as if they are friends. But when out-of-sight they talk about each other behind each other's backs. I find that backstabbing. Yes, people change. In the situation I'm talking about, it's a negative change.
      Furthermore, I detest when people come and talk to you just when they want something or want to know the latest updates about your life to go and tell other people. I find that sickening. Yet, people do it. You start to question if certain people hang around you just to bring you down. When you know that that one person has talked about you and your friends to all of the "clique" that your in except yourself, then you will eventually find out who your real friends are. Well, do you know who your real friends are? I know who mine are.


  1. Good for you that you know who your real friends are. It is important to figure out who is fake and who is genuine. I like the good words in this post.

  2. This is a very good post. I also find it hard to trust people and have to make sure who my real friends are.

  3. Thats a question we should all ask ourselves every once in a while to avoid peer pressure and other problems of the sort. Its great how you know who to be friends with and who to stay away from.
