Sunday, January 13, 2013

Reading Response

          I am reading Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. I think the last book I read by her was Burned which I really liked, so I decided to read another by her. I don't believe this one is in that series though. The book is realistic fiction. It is about "the right kind of love. With the wrong person." There are five teenagers who are main characters, and their stories are being told.
          My response to Eden is that I think you found a good type of love with Andrew, but don't go into the relationship too fast because you may be rushing it knowing your mother and father would never approve because of their strong religious belief. If I were you, I wouldn't tell my parents because I know the consequences would be very bad, but for some reason I think they will find out without you telling them.
          Seth, you just need to quit. You already know what you are doing is wrong, and if you told your father he would look down at you. I think the best time for you to cut off your relationship is when Loren goes off to New York. The disconnection would kind of be natural.
          Whitney, I have to tell you I understand why you have a better relationship with your father than your mother. Also, that boyfriend of yours, or if he's even your boyfriend, does not love you at all. It was obvious when he didn't tell you he loved you whenever you told him. Plus, he's way older than you and everything. You have definitely found the wrong person to love.
          Ginger! I feel so sorry for you. I feel everything you're doing is right though. You are helping your family more than your mother when she is the cause for everything. You should think of getting a job since you have so much free time. It'll really help. I don't think your in a relationship or in love with anyone yet so I don't really have anything to say for you.
         My response to Cody is that you are not in love. You just think the girl is really pretty. You don't know anything about her at all. One thing you need to do is to stop drinking and smoking. That is just too bad, and plus you're in high school. You don't need to be doing all of that. But Cody, you have definitely found the wrong person to love.

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins,Reading Times: pages 1-84(70 minutes), pages 85-164(70 minutes), pages 165-245(75 minutes)
Total- 245 pages, 215 minutes


  1. I like this approach to your reading response.

  2. Nice information. I also like how you are sort of becoming the characters
