Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration 2013 and MLK Day

        Today is the day that Barack Obama was inducted into office for his second term, and it's also the day we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. who crusaded through discrimination and racism. Both of these men, being African American, were affronted in some way. The severity of the affronts have lessened tremendously as King used nonviolent ways to issue how wrong racial inequality was back then. Being adroit men, Obama and King are similar in the way that they knew how to handle things and had powerful voices to get their points across.
       Sometimes as I hear negative comments about Barack being back into presidency, I am militant. I just want to bite back with a comment of how he has helped us so much. I don't see why certain people have a negative demeanor towards Obama if they don't really know what he does for us or what he wants to do for the United States. The things King and Obama have done for this world weren't just avocations, but were done to make this world a better place. It took time and hard work.
       Today is a day where we should think about what these leaders have done without being raucous and obnoxious. I think it's tacit that I appreciate these two people. Try not to be a pariah in these types of situations. Get involved!

1 comment:

  1. Porscha, this is a great post! you did great at using many of the vocabulary words especially with a popular story that many people are talking about. The way you contrasted MLK and Obama was great and you used great examples including vocab words, great post!
