Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reading Response

      At this moment, I'm reading the book Grief Girl: My True Story by Erin Vincent. I'm just about half way through it, but it's obviously a true story about herself when she was fourteen. Her parents died in an accident that left her bruised. I have never experienced or struggled with the sorrowful, dreadful feelings that she said she dealt with when the event occurred and so far eight months after the incident occurred, even when my great-grandmother died. I mean, I was melancholy, but not in any sense where I wanted to go to an institute for girls with mental issues, depression, or stuff like that like she did.
      Erin lived with her sister named Tracy who was eighteen and her brother named Trent who was three when the parents died. Erin had to help work to make ends meat along with Tracy so they could keep the house with all the perks such as electricity and running water. She worked in a cookie place at the mall part-time when she had school and full-time when she was on school breaks. I can't imagine any one hiring me at the age of fourteen because I think it goes against child labor laws or something or maybe it's just a certain amount of hours where it would be unlawful. Furthermore, I wouldn't know if I would be capable of keeping the job because I don't have a car or anything so I wouldn't have anyone to take me meaning that I wouldn't be at the job on-time and I couldn't make all the days I was supposed to work.
       At school though, the teachers and faculty held it easy on Erin. She didn't even wear the school uniform and  she went and left school as she pleased. I would love this type of situation, but I don't think I would take advantage of it because I think I would go along with the school rules and try to act normal. Or maybe I would, haha, I don't know, but I don't think my school would allow it anyway.
       I can't wait to see what else Erin goes through. Then I'll share my opinions on the fact of the matter. I'll be back soon to share the rest of my opinions on Grief Girl: My True Story. I have enjoyed it thus far.

    8/20-10 min., 8/25-120 min., 8/26-45 min.
    Total: 175 minutes, pp.1-180

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In Defense of School: A Student's Manifesto

      Through the exhilarating years of high school, students don't just experience the thrill of parties, extra-curricular, and sport's games, but also the back-burning, hoard of homework. Not only high school students, but basically all the people who have to go from first grade through college. Essays, projects, and assignments that you have to venture through at home can keep you up all night and make you feel as if your eyes are about to roll in the back of your head just because you're that sleepy. It's like we are enduring a period of insomnia just so we can obtain the points we need to achieve the grade we want to have. This rarely happens in the first quarter of the school year, but for the rest of the year, a lot of student feel like they are going through some agonizing event. Even when I have to study for test, sometimes, I wonder if I was listening to what the teacher was saying whenever we discussed the topic because that's how I feel when a science test comes along. I guess that's just how it's going to be for the rest of my years though.
      In defense of school, they just want us to learn. I don't think they mean any harm because they just want us to get our education in the long run. I mean, they are just trying to prepare us for our career. I especially need to start getting better in those science tests, considering I'm anticipating to become a pediatrician. Plus, the years ahead are just going to get harder and harder, and I don't think the teachers are going to care how much work or preparation we need to have for other classes, or how long and what things we need to do at practices, or even chores and responsibilities we have to take care of at home because life is tough, and we just need to deal with it. They want us to balance our time and figure out what days we need to do this and that on because we shouldn't procrastinate and expect something good out of it. We have to obtain some type of time management. Then, maybe life will be better and things won't be as hard. But, that's just coming from a student.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Girls On Film Response

      So, I read Girls On Film by Zoey Dean. It's an A-list novel. It's a chick-lit which are the types of books I prefer. I like it personally, because I liked reading it, and I was interested in the things Dean wrote because it had me want to keep reading more at the turn of each page just because it's a chick-lit, and I'm really into those sort of books. It is about how "frienemies" had to do a school assignment together, and they chose to do a film that they had written themselves. They also had a relationship sort of thing in the plot, too, which I thought was cool.
   Girls On Film is the type of book where they have two people in a relationship or "almost relationship" and someone tries to mess it up or ruin it. Anyway, I thought it was cute how Ben, the boy in the relationship, did all that stuff for Anna, the girl in the relationship, so she wouldn't be mad at him anymore. In the end though, I do think it was the right thing to do to stay with Ben because he had put so much effort forth to get back with her, and she ignored what the enemies had to say. Also, it's good that after the climax of the book, Anna became less stubborn because she really did need to let loose a little.
     Overall, I just liked the book because it was filled with drama and romance, and the characters in it learned things in the predicament they were in. The book was good.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Free Post

         Hi. I'm Porscha, and I'm new to the blogging experience. If any of y'all could tell me how to change my setup ,templates, and fonts on here, that would be quite dandy. I really want to show my personality and stuff on here. That's one of the reasons I made this blog. Haha, actually I had to make this for a school assignment, but in the end most of the things I put on here would probably be about literature, books, and stuff like that. Within each post, though, they will have some zesty fever in it because that's just my personality.
       Anyway, I'm a fun person to be around. I'm really silly, but I'm serious when a serious thing comes upon me. I like to talk, but sometimes I'm reserved and like to keep to myself, but that just happens every now and then. I like instagramming, hanging with friends, going to football games, and that sort of thing. I do sports like cheer, track, dance, and maybe basketball this year. But, I guess I'll see y'all around. Adios!