Monday, December 10, 2012

Books Read this Semester

       Books read this semester (least to most challenging):
Girls On Film by Zoey Dean
Grief Girl by Erin Vincent
Three Little Words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter
Burned by Ellen Hopkins
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Nation by Terry Pratchett
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

          I realized that this semester is the least amount of books I have read in a semester since I was in about first or second grade which is crazy. I really liked the book Burned though. It has a lot of pages and I read it really fast. If I keep reading books that are similar to that, then I may be able to read more. I only read four as this school year was going on that was free choice which I find totally bogus. When did I start reading so little?
          Since I find my amount of books read this semester so tragic, I'll set a goal to read at least six or seven books by the end of this year from the library. I hope to read each one in at most a two-week time period because on the other books it seems that I took about 2-3 weeks on average to read on book. 

Reading Times: 155 minutes on Lord of the Flies from the pages that were assigned for last week
Literary Analysis: 30 minutes
Total:175 minutes

Reading Focus Tracker: Loyalty

           Three significant moments pertaining to loyalty is when Jack blows the conch in chapter 8 and page 125, Jack decides to go off alone by himself in chapter eight and page 127, and when people first sneak off to go to Jack's tribe in chapter eight and page 131. All of these contain Jack in a rivalry with Ralph because Jack wants to take away the power from Jack.
      In the first one, Jack was loyal to Ralph’s leadership. Ralph is the only one who is suppose to blow the conch since he is the chief/leader. Now, Jack has the need to blow the conch and have his own assembly while Ralph is standing right in front of him! Jack wants this:


 For the second one, Jack is leaving the area where Ralph rules because he is sick of him. The loyalty between them is gone. Jack wants to lead his own pack. So he asks everyone who would like to come along with him. No one first.... For the third one, people start sneaking off to go to Jack's area of the island so they can hunt with him and be apart of his tribe. Jack even eventually has a feast/party/celebration which attracts most of the people of the island to go to his side of the island.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reading Times

Biology Concepts and Connections, sixth edition by Campell, Reece, Taylor, Simon, Dickey:  pages 88-101, 1 hour
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley : 30 minutes
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 Unit 6: 15 minutes